5th 4th Annual: North Shore 2021

Jodi and Lynn, along with their husbands, Andy and Ian, continue their annual tradition: camping on the North Shore over Mother’s Day weekend. This time, they brought podcast equipment to document the experience. Recorded at Tettegouche State Park overlooking Lake Superior.

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Trail blazer: Emily Ford

She’s the first woman and first person of color to complete Wisconsin’s Ice Age Trail in winter. Emily Ford picked up a celebrity status along the journey and has become a vocal crusader for inclusivity in the outdoor industry. A gardener by trade, Emily talks about what the outdoors mean to her and the next adventure on her list. You can find her on instagram at @EmilyOnTrail.

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Courageous: Kate Coward

Kate Coward is a champion athlete who’s won the grueling Iditarod Trail Invitational, among other competitions. She’s also a coach for others pursuing similar feats of endurance and strength. She talks about pushing herself to her full potential and also the agony of accepting defeat. Follow her on Instagram at @Kate_Coward_Athlete.

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Outdoor adventure ian planchon Outdoor adventure ian planchon

Romantic Camping: Good in Theory

Falling in love under the stars may sound dreamy. Trust us, it rarely actually happens that way. The Twins return for a conversation about would-be romantic camping trips gone awry. We also dive into cooking by campfire light, because as we all know, that’s the fastest way to anyone’s heart.

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