Outdoor Gear
We’ll be updating our lists and recommendations often. If you need a consult, just give us a shout @wedothisforfun and we’ll happily help you make smart choices on what you need for your outdoor adventure.
We turn to google for advice, suggestions and guidance for pretty much everything, including what to purchase. What could go wrong?
“What gear do I need to go camping?”
“What are the best hiking boots?”
“Best tent for a family”
“Top rated canoe”
In the gear space, marketing wins. Watch out for those top 10 lists that pop up after your searches for adventure and camping gear. Be cautious when viewing those beautiful instagram posts of adventurers in “gear” who look like models having outdoor experiences (they pretty much are). Companies pay influencers and publications big money to get your eyes on their products. This is called micro marketing and we’re all being targeted. Perfect storytelling, gorgeous people and incredible photography are tools to get us to buy what they want us to buy, not necessarily what we should buy.
At We Do This For Fun, we’re dedicated to providing you with REAL talk and product recommendations that really work. Our team (aka the Twins) can help you think about your purchases and determine what’s necessary, marketing or impulse. A gorgeous white Fjallraven jacket gently called out to me at a store this week. I carried that beauty around the store for a half hour, before I put it down. Seriously, how do I justify a white jacket for camping? That said, we’re not against buying something just because you like it- we all deserve to feel good. Our goal is to help you with the functional purchases and omit the surprise malfunctioning gear. Better to buy right the first time.
Certain products you can buy because you just like the look of them, others you should buy for their functionality and ability to meet your adventure needs. Here’s a couple of sites we trust, products we admire (or desire) and things we love just because:
Cooke Custom Sewing (lots of nice camp gear)
Backcountry (great gear for all)
Wintergreen Northern Wear (handmade gear from Ely Minnesota)
We’ll be updating our lists and recommendations often. If you need a consult, just give us a shout @wedothisforfun and we’ll happily help you make smart choices on whatever you need for your next outdoor adventure.
The Great Outdoors
Join us each week for inspiration to take that first step outside your front door or to build the outdoor adventure of a lifetime.
Jodi never thought she’d find herself at Arches National Park in Moab, Utah, now she can’t stop thinking about when she can go back
Do you have the desire to spend more time outdoors, but aren’t sure where to start? Are you interested in learning how to camp, but feel a little clueless about camping gear, camp cooking, how to make a campfire or even how to choose a campsite? You’ve landed in the right place.
We Do This For Fun is a podcast and community about thriving in the great outdoors. It’s for outdoor experts and novices alike and a place to help you find the unique ways that you can connect with nature. We bring you ideas, tips and tricks, inspirational humans and transformational experiences to help guide your path to increased time in the outdoors.
We share ideas that may seem counterintuitive, like “it’s important to be uncomfortable”. Why? Because the accomplishment you feel after discomfort builds your strength and confidence and flows into all aspects of life. Slowly, you may find you have a new perspective on “fun”, the courage to say yes to things you’d never considered for yourself and heightened resilience that eases your day to day existence.
What we can promise you- you will discover something if you go outside. Something that moves you, changes your perspective or even transforms your life. It’s your curiosity that will help you find your outdoor “fun”. Maybe it’s van life, an RV or a tent. Maybe it’s a bike, cross country skis, or a canoe. It could be the Boundary Waters, Glacier or a rainforest in Belize. Maybe it’s simply a campfire in your backyard. Until you get out there, you don’t know what your “thing” is. Join us each week for inspiration to take that first step outside your front door or to build the outdoor adventure of a lifetime.